L'art de nommer les choses avec exactitude aide à les comprendre. Michèle Lalonde
Ableism/Disableism - the belief that a person or group with physical, emotional, developmental, psychological, or psychiatric differences or challenges are inferior
Ageism - the belief that a person or group is inferior based on an age difference
ARAO - Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression
Antisemitism - a form of racism; hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews
Classism - the false belief that a person or group belonging to the 'working class' are inferior, and would benefit from following middle class culture and norms
Colonialism - the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political or economic control over another peoples/country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically
Cultural Safety - a person's sense of feeling safe being who they are, wherever they come from, look like, or whatever language they speak, with no danger of ignorant comments, assumptions, stereotypes, or power imbalances. An individual is to be considered the final authority on their own cultural safety
Discrimination - unequal treatment based on an actual or perceived difference
Gender Identity - one's internal and psychological sense of oneself as female, male, both, neither, or other
Harassment - a course of vexacious comments or conduct that should be reasonably known to be unwelcome
Heterosexism - the assumption that heterosexuality, and being heterosexual is the only normal sexual orientation and is preferred. This benefits heterosexuals and is the most pervasive source of LGB discrimination
Inclusiveness - the degree to which an organization, service, course or program will seek out, welcome, integrate, and use the varying view points of the great variety of members it should ideally have
Perception - perception and assumptions work hand in hand to take us away from reality. We must recognize that any one person may not be who we initially perceive them to be. We must also give second thought to our embedded beliefs and practices
Race - a false way to organize human beings. It has been scientifically proven that 'races' do not exist, the distinctions being as superficial as hair or eye colour
Racism - any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on 'race', colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin
Self-reflexivity - evidence has shown that self-reflexivity regarding one's own biases and stereotypes is a most valuable critical skill that can be developed, and facilitates the development of culturally secure relationships. This requires lifelong learning dedication. Start by critically recognizing and analyzing bias and stereotyping in daily life, and in the media, and by engaging with and listening to the 'other'
Sexual Orientation - a person's deep seated feelings of sexual attraction, including who we desire sexually, and with whom we want to become intimate and form our strongest emotional relationships
Socialization - the learned cultural beliefs and patterns of the society in which we live. Girls and boys are socialized differently from birth. Still today this contributes to the gender disparity and gender inequality that we live with
Where are you (really) from? - the famous question. This question is neither innocent, nor relevant. It divides, it separates, it alienates. On a most basic level, it is not anyone's business to ask this, especially since it is often followed by comments showing ignorance and stereotypes of the person's origin. Witness how it is illegal to ask personal questions in a job interview or housing cooperative interview for example - in order to prevent possible discrimination. Personal questions are personal, no one has the right to anyone else's personal data. Learn to get to know people as they are, instead of assigning others to your own points of reference. What makes you think you're entitled to others' personal information?
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Ellie Wiesel